Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The In-between.

My name is Sara, I am twenty years old, and I am stuck in the In-Between. I am in-between feelings and life long dreams. I am in-between jobs and taking classes in college. In-between the life I have had and the new life I am starting. Inbetween love and loss. I am stuck and being stuck suck, but isn't all bad when you're trying to get unstuck. Especially when you have the Universe, friends, and family to help you.

I can't tell you exactly how long I've been stuck in the In-Between, but I can tell you it started sometime this year. This year three very important people passed away. I misplaced exactly who I am. I moved across the country, from Ohio to Texas, for three months for an internship in my dream profession and came back home early. I left my friends, family, and a very special boy, but most of all I left what seems like a thousand loose ends in Ohio. It's been three weeks since I've been home; its about damn time to start dealing with my feelings and start tying off some of those ends and moving forward.

I lost Grams, my best friend's grandmother, first.

Then my grandfather.

Then my dog, and companion of fourteen years, Buddy.

I was, and kind of still am, devastated. But, you know what, being sad isn't going to help anyone and certainly now me! It's time to love myself and start spreading love and happiness. The best way I can thing to get happy is to start doing things that make me happy. I am so tired of being in the in-between. I don't want to feel like my life is standing still while the world out there is a-moving and a-spinning. Today, I am starting this blog to help get out of the In-Between.

When you're doing something big you gotta start small! And getting out of the In-Between is ginormous! I, Sara, am not going to sit back and mope as life is passing me by! I am going to do one positive thing a day (whether it be paint my nails or help a stranger) and tell the universe (or whoever is reading this!) about one loose end I am trying to tie off. I know that some issues can't be solved in just one day, but each day leads to the next and tomorrow always seems like the most promising day.

Is anyone else out there stuck in the In-between?
What are you doing to try to get out?


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